Monday, February 28, 2005
Importing data into your TTCFM database
This blog will hopefully help those of you that are experiencing problems when trying to upload/import data into the various tables of your database that is located on the OU server. I have tested each of the methods listed here. The data was successfully uploaded and imported into the relevant tables, with no records being skipped and no warning.
Please Note: That if you are using these methods on your own local installation you may well get warnings, I currently have a local setup using the version of MySQL that was distributed on the Certificate of Web Application Development CD-ROM, namely version 4.0.17 and after numerous hours of testing it appears that for some reason, unbeknown to me at present warnings are given when I used the methods detailed in this blog entry. But hey this is for the OU server, and thats the main concern at the moment afterall.
Using the INSERT method
Okay this is the exact procedure that I used to perform this data insert. Using SSH secure shell open a terminal window to the OU server. Change to your web directory using the following command syntax:cd web
Log into the MySQL monitor using the following syntax, changing the jg3723 to your OU username:mysql -u jg3723 -p
When prompted enter you OU PI number remember letters should be in CAPITALS. Select the database to be used, in this case it should be the same name as you OU username, using this command syntax:
USE jg3723;
Now its time to write the INSERT statement, for test purposes you could use the following, which is what I entered:
INSERT INTO master_name
Hopefully, you should see the following message after pressing the ENTER key.
VALUES ('',now(),now(),'Amanda','Gurney');Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Well that's the INSERT method successfull used, so it's now onto the LOAD DATA method next.
Using the LOAD DATA Method
My ConclusionWith this method I pre wrote a DDL script and a plain text file that contained the data to be imported, these two files were then uploaded to my OU web directory If you would like to use my DDL script and data file click here to down load them.Hopefully you will still have your SSH terminal window open and logged into your MySQL database. If not please connect and login to your database again.
You now need to change the DDL file to point to your own database; using Notepad open the loaddata.sql file and change the first line so it reads the name of your database. Then save the file and close it.Now upload the DDL script and data file to your OU web directory. To check that they are there use the following syntax:ls
Hopefully you will see the a list similar to mine below:[jg3723@ttcfm web]$ ls
all_names.cfm createtables.sql loaddata.sql mytidy.sql
contactDB.sql eca master_name.txt
[jg3723@ttcfm web]$Okay the files are there so let's import the data. This is done by using the following syntax:source loaddata.sql
Hopefully you will see the following messages displayed after pressing the ENTER key.Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 4 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 0
Well that's the end of my LOAD DATA and INSERT summary, you should now be able to alter the various commands and files to import any data that you wish to insert into your database. Have fun!
All the best Jayson
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Just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for this post!! Sometimes it can be so hard to get a straight answer on the conferences...It's nice to know I can come somewhere and have it broken down into bite-sized pieces...Thanks for taking the time to do this whole blog thing, it's very much appreciated - I'd be lost without it!!
Good luck with the rest of the course,
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Good luck with the rest of the course,
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